Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thing #2 Reflection of 2.0

Wow! As I watched and listened to the videos, I felt like I have not provided my students with what they need. The purpose of learning 2.0 for me was to "catch-up" to where my students are regarding technology. The opportunities are endless for myself as well as my students. I love the idea of connecting to people all over the world. What an opportunity to learn about others.

As I read the article, the first thing that caught my interest was the ease of integration of all subjects. The vast amount of information from the podcasts outweighs the information gleaned from textbooks. It seemed that within minutes, all teachers had the information available to them. In addition, parents knew what their students were learning and students had the opportunity to respond through blogging. I also liked the idea of students being responsible for their learning, i.e., producing their own study guide. It is amazing how promptly everyone knew the content from the teacher, principal, superintendent, parents, and students. It is a new way of teaching, grading, and community involvement in general. It is a little overwhelming when thinking about a completely new look for the classroom.

Thng #1 Reflections on being a Lifelong Learner

I have always believed that we are lifelong learners. When we are no longer learning, what are we doing and thinking? As an educator, it is even more important to continue learning because education is always changing. A perfect example is technology. I decided to take this course because I know that I am not where I should be in regards to technology. My students know more about computers than I do and are not afraid to try new things, unlike me. But here I am, posting my first blog (and a little nervous).

My most challenging habit will be my confidence level. As I stated before, technology makes me nervous. However, I have wonderful team mates that have assured me that they will not abandoned me. As I progress in this class, I am sure that my confidence level will rise.

The easiest habit, for me, will be setting goals. My first goal is to work on my most challenging habit as mentioned above. Goals help me stay focused and on schedule.

Finally, the most important habit is the last one. The best way to learn, and retain, something is to teach it. I can't wait to use what I am learning now, in my classroom later. The opportunities are endless, not only for me, but for my students as well.