Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thing #14

I enjoyed most of the tools that I viewed. However, I found some to be cumbersome and probably would not use. I did like the timeglider. I see it as a great way to study socials studies using time lines, especially for the Civil War. The time line could be generated with the most important battles highlighted. I also saw a way of using polldaddy to find out how students feel about things. This could be posted in blogs for them. I like the idea of polling students about their favorite books. My favorite tool that I looked at was quizlet. This would be a great way to study vocabulary in social studies, math, and science using the flash cards and taking the quiz. I played around with a lesson plan that was already in place to study the U.S. state capitals. It had the flashcards, a quiz, and a game and was fun. We could us it in the computer lab to review vocabulary.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you found several useful tools. Nice job!
